The RE Coordinator is Mrs Cope.
Religious Education at Redscope Primary School follows the agreed Rotherham Syllabus and mirrors the aims of the National Curriculum-for all children to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
With Religious Education beginning in the Foundation Stage and continuing throughout the Key Stages, children will develop a broad and balanced subject knowledge, which progressively reflects the diversity of religious faiths on a local, national and global scale.
Religious Literacy will be cultivated through focused taught sessions, assemblies and celebrations, equipping children with skills to enable them to:
- Discover religion: investigate religions and world views.
- Develop their own views: reflecting on and expressing their own ideas and the ideas of others creatively, through a variety of media and materials.
- Develop an understanding of the similarities and differences between faiths, becoming increasingly able to be reasonable and respectful in their responses to religions and world views.