The PHSE and RSE Coordinator is Mrs Bradwell. 

RSE stands for “relationships and sex education” and as part of Relationships and Health Education, is a new approach to teaching children about relationships and health.

The Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools. Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools.

All primary school children will be required to learn about relationships and health. Relationships and Health Education comprises two distinct areas:

  • Relationships
  • Physical health and mental wellbeing

The new Relationships and Health Education 2020 curriculum is designed to:

  • Help all children grow up healthy, happy and safe.
  • Give all children the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.
  • Support all children to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain.
  • Prepare all children for a successful adult lives.

Teaching relationships in primary education

The relationships part of the curriculum will teach the children what they need to learn to build positive and safe relationships:

  • With family.
  • With friends.
  • Online.

At Redscope, we will teach in a way that is appropriate to the children’s ages and will look at the following questions:

  • What is a relationship?
  • What is friendship?
  • What is family?
  • Who can children look to for support?

What will children be taught by the end of primary school?

By the time your child finishes at Redscope primary school, they will have been taught about the following in Relationships Education:

  • Family and people who care for them.
  • Caring friendships.
  • Respectful relationships.
  • Online relationships.
  • Being safe.

Physical health and mental wellbeing in primary schools

The physical health and mental wellbeing part of the new RSE curriculum will teach the children how to:

  • Make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.
  • Recognise issues in themselves.
  • Recognise issue in others.
  • Seek support as early as possible when issues arise.

By the time children finish Redscope primary school, they will have been taught about the following:

  • Mental wellbeing.
  • Internet safety and harms.
  • Physical health and fitness.
  • Healthy eating.
  • Facts about drugs, alcohol and drugs and the risks
    associated with them.
  • Health and prevention of illness.
  • Basic first aid.
  • Changes to the adolescent body.

Can parents withdraw their children from the new RSE Curriculum?

Parents cannot withdraw their child from any part of the Relationships and Health Education aspects of the RSE curriculum. It is important for ALL children to be taught the content on such essential matters like friendships and keeping safe.

Although sex education is not formally taught in primary schools, puberty is taught in school as part of the primary science curriculum. Remember that the science curriculum in all maintained schools includes content on human development, which includes human reproduction, and there is no right for a parent to withdraw their child from the science curriculum.

How is PSHE and RSE taught in our school?

Personal, Social, and Health Education enables pupils to develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, attitudes and values which are necessary for them to make sense of the responsibilities, opportunities and experiences which are part of their lives, both now & in the future. PSHE enables children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing we help their sense of self worth. We teach them how society is organised and governed. We ensure that they experience the process of democracy in school through the school council. We teach them about rights and responsibilities. They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society.

PSHE and RSE are taught in a variety of ways both within and outside the curriculum. In some instances, aspects of PSHE and RSE may be taught as a discreet subject, and to a large extent it can be covered through other subjects and topics. However, we advocate that PSHE and RSE features within the Primary curriculum as a discrete lesson, varying between 30 – 45 mins, depending upon the age of the children being taught and the aspect of the subject being delivered.

PSHE and RSE is also developed through activities, assemblies & whole-school events. For example, a residential visit to Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire is offered in Key Stage 2, where there is a particular focus on developing pupils’ self esteem & giving them opportunities to develop leadership & co-operative skills. In addition, Year 6 pupils annually visit Crucial Crew which is a purpose built facility with a focus on the Police, First aid, internet safety, fire safety and anti social behaviour.

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