Spring 1
The children have enjoyed a very productive half term where they have worked extremely hard to understand new learning. Well done, Year 6!
In English, we have completed our Talk for Writing unit on discussion texts. We analysed the question: Should Christmas be Banned? After analysing the toolkit for discussion texts, we wrote a model text discussing both sides of the argument. This really did stir our opinions but we understood the importance of remaining objective. We were able to show off our writing skills with an independent piece about whether homework should be banned. Following that unit, we completed many short burst writing tasks with a focus on description and the use of precise vocabulary in preparation for next term’s learning. Watch this space!
In maths, we have completed our learning about fractions. We have compared and ordered fractions, added and subtracted fractions using formal methods and perfected changing denominators to solve increasingly tricky calculations. We have been learning how to multiply and divide fractions using whole numbers, mixed numbers and improper fractions. Following this, we have become more familiar with decimals and percentages. We have also begun our unit on ratio and proportion, which will continue with into the next half term.
In History, we have been learning about the ancient Maya civilisation. Our focus has been to investigate the ancient Maya settlements including architecture and design, aspects of daily life and the legacy and impact of their civilisation, including the complex writing system and calendar system.
Our focus for this term in Science will be Living Things and their Habitats. We have started to learn about how to sort and classify living things according to their characteristics and have examined the differences between plants and animals. We will research the work of scientist Carl Linnaeus who introduced the classifying system. We will then have the opportunity to complete and devise our own sorting diagrams.
In PE, we have been learning about Health and Fitness and the importance of sleep and diet in our lives. The practical elements of PE have been focusing on invasion games which, in particular, was to understand, build and practice key skills that could be used across many sports, especially dodgeball.
Also this term has been Children’s Mental Health Week where children have been identifying what good mental health feels like. Additionally, understanding events in life which may be more challenging to our mental health and wellbeing and ways to improve how we are feeling
Autumn 2
Year 6 have continued to work very hard this half term. They have enjoyed the challenges in all areas of the curriculum this half and have made pleasing progress in their assessments. We have started our Y6 revision homework and are pleased with how many children are eager to complete this on time, to the best of their abilities.
In mathematics, we have improved our knowledge and understanding of the four operations and have grown in confidence when applying knowledge to reasoning questions. We have become more familiar with using factors, multiples, square and cube numbers. We have also successfully completed our fractions units, showing increased confidence and accuracy in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions by integers and other fractions. Through our weekly arithmetic sessions, our scores are improving and children are demonstrating the best strategies for solving the mix of question types in these papers.
In English, we have used ‘Dia de Los Muertos’ as a stimulus for writing, creating a set of instructions for making nachos and writing a portal story from a video clip about a young girl who has an adventure during the Day of the Dead festival. Through our narrative we used dialogue as our toolkit and was able to incorporate effective dialogue to move the story on as well as using speech punctuation accurately. We also used clips from the film ‘Coco’ to create detailed descriptive writing and a diary entry from the perspective of one of the characters.
In GPS, we have continued to use our GPS recap time to build on our prior knowledge which is helping to consolidate aspects taught earlier on in the year and recapping learning from previous years. In our lessons this half term, we have been focusing on apostrophes for omission and possession, active and passive and progressive and perfect tenses. We have definitely seen evidence of children applying their knowledge into their writing this term.
Electricity has been our focus in Science. After building on the previous unit taught in Y4, we learnt how to connect a simple series circuit. We have investigated how the brightness of a bulb or the volume of a buzzer can be altered by the number of batteries or components in a circuit. We have been able to recognise symbols and draw accurate circuits independently.
In History, we have been investigating the Maya civilisation including who they were, where they came from and why their civilisation was so successful. We learnt that they were skilled farmers, architects, scientists, astronomers and mathematicians.
In Art, we have been inspired by the work of Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian artist, who used music and colour to create abstract creations. We have experimented with a variety of techniques to create our calendars using watercolour pencils this half term.
We very much look forward to a wonderful spring term and a huge well done to all our children for their hard work in autumn.

Autumn 1
In English, our focus fiction text has been ‘Alien Abduction’, a timeslip story. We learnt the model text then discussed the structure of timeslip stories to help plan our own, with a focus on creating suspense and tension. Then we wrote a timeslip story using elements of suspense to engage the reader.
Following our visit to Crucial Crew, we designed and wrote a persuasive leaflet promoting the benefits of visiting Crucial Crew. We enjoyed using persuasive features, for example exaggeration, rhetorical questions and imperative verb openers and created some fantastic leaflets.
Alongside our writing units, we have taught elements of Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, through Place Value of Punctuation, to help to write with increased accuracy and awareness of sentence structure.
We have continued to use Cambridge PenPals to strengthen handwriting across school. Within Year 6, we completed focused handwriting sessions twice a week to practise letter joins.
Before starting Power Maths lessons, we spent the first two weeks recapping and strengthening our understanding of methods for arithmetic and calculation.
Unit 1- Place Value Within 10,000,000
We recapped our understanding of place value and properties of numbers to 1,000,000. We have investigated the partitioning of larger numbers and have used them in different contexts. Following this, we developed our understanding and use of number lines. We also compared and ordered numbers and rounded them to the nearest 1,000,000. Finally, we investigated negative numbers, compared them to positive numbers and our used in contexts.
Unit 2- Four Operations
This unit allowed us to develop fluency with efficient columnar written methods for addition and subtraction, without and with exchanges. We have deepened our understanding of the columnar method for multiplication of 4-digit numbers by 1- and 2-digit numbers and developed an understanding of written methods for division.
Religious Education
Our first unit was entitled Beliefs and actions in the world: Can Christian Aid and Islamic Relief change the world? We have learnt about the work of two major faith-based charities, Christian Aid and Islamic Relief and have developed our understanding of the impact of religion in the world and asked important questions of justice. We have had the opportunity to develop opinions of our own and consider key beliefs.
Physical Education
We have used imoves to practise the ball skills of throwing and catching in preparation for competitive tag netball. We have applied these skills to other ball games.
This half term, we were lucky enough to learn the djembe drums with Rotherham Music Service.
Our geography unit of work this half term was North America. Within this unit, we found out which countries make up North America, where North America is located in the world, what the climate of North America is like and what physical features make up North America.
Throughout the half term, we explored the work of the American Artist, Jeff Koons. We developed an understanding of the 7 Elements of Art through sketching and experimenting and working with clay. We created a sculpture in the style of the work of Jeff Koons, looking at techniques such as slab, carving and coiling.
Our unit of work has focused on relationships. We have been considering how our relationships have changed over time, what makes a good friend, how we are different to our friends, which is something that should be celebrated, and the features of a negative relationship and how that might make us feel.
In computing this half term, we have been using 2Simple to practise our coding skills. During these sessions, we have been designing, coding, testing and debugging for different aspects of computer programming. We have understood how an IF statement works, understood how to use co-ordinates in computer programming and developed an understanding of the ‘repeat until’ command. Also we have understood how an IF/ELSE statement works and what a variable is in programming.
In science this half term, our unit has been light. We have learnt that light travels in straight lines and investigated that shadows have the same shape as the object that cast them. We have been using an investigative approach to solve a series of light challenges and posed scientific questions to further our knowledge of light