Spring 1
In writing, we completed a Talk for Writing unit for a beat the monster story. We used the text Krak the Cobbler and focused on using description. In our description toolkit we included precise detail, onomatopoeia, relative clauses to add extra information and looked at character reactions by writing what the character is saying, doing or thinking.
We then focused on a non-fiction unit and looked at an explanation text ‘Why were the 3 little pig’s houses destroyed?’ The children explored the text and created a toolkit for explanation writing to help them independently write their own. We had fun designing a machine, which can help us with our daily lives and then wrote an explanation text to explain what the machine does and how it works.
In maths, the children finished the fractions unit, the children extended their understanding of fractions by focusing on addition and subtraction of related fractions and mixed numbers. They also continued to develop their confidence in reasoning and problem solving and explored different methods for addition and subtraction of fractions.
In History, we looked at the enquiry question – what was the Kingdom of Benin and why is it important in world history? The children learnt that the Kingdom of Benin was in West Africa and was from AD900 – 1300 and the people who lived there were called Edo. We enjoyed looking at artifacts and guessing what they were used for and made from. We discovered that archaeological evidence is more reliable that oral histories. We learnt that Obas were always men and were very powerful and respected in Benin. People thought they were semi-divine and could communicate with gods and spirits. The children thoroughly enjoyed working on the laptops, using PowerPoint, to create a presentation about the guilds of Benin. Examples are metal work, textiles, farmers, potters, blacksmiths and ivory carvers. Finally, we looked at how the Kingdom of Benin sold goods like pepper, ivory, cloth, leopard skins, beads, rubber, palm oil and precious stones to European traders and Benin bought metal from the Europeans and also traded slaves.
In Science, we learnt about properties of materials. The children compared and grouped together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets. The children also learnt that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution and could describe how to recover a substance from a solution. They used their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating. Through experiments, the children were able to demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes and could explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.
In art, we focused on sculpture and developed our clay skills. We used tools to form patterns and texture and developed our experience in combining pinch, slabbing and coiling to produce our end pieces. Linked to our history, we created a Benin Bronze inspired mask.
Autumn 2
In maths, we completed Power Maths Unit 3 on addition and subtraction. This unit built on children’s work in Year 4, where they learnt to add and subtract 4-digit numbers. It extended their knowledge of addition and subtraction using formal written methods for numbers with up to five digits. It gave the children the opportunity to build confidence with problem solving and to explore efficient methods for addition and subtraction calculations, including those that can be solved mentally.
The children then completed a multiplication and division unit. This unit developed children’s multiplicative reasoning. The children began by developing their understanding of multiples, common multiples, factors and common factors, recognising what they are and how they are found. Following this, the children learnt about prime numbers and how they are different to composite numbers. We then investigated square and cube numbers and linked to concrete understanding of the shape namesakes. Having learnt about properties of numbers, the children learnt how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 and used this knowledge to multiply and divide by multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000.
In English, we focused on a Talk for Writing unit that included a change. We looked at the text The Tunnel by Anthony Browne and the children used dialogue to convey a character toolkit to write their own story. Our second text was How to look after a pet dragon with a focus on instructions. Linked to the festive season, the children created their own instructions on how to look after an elf.
In geography, we looked at mapping. The children learnt about what a map is and a scale and also learnt and developed the skills of reading four and six figure grid references.
In art, we completed an art through technology unit. We used software to alter and adapt a digital portrait. We took inspirational from Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe pop art and using the photograph of themselves the children created a calendar in this pop art style. We hope you enjoy displaying and using the calendars throughout the upcoming year. We have also developed our pastel blending skills to create some tree-rific Christmas cards which we hope you enjoy receiving.
We decided to decorate our Classroom tree through the creation of reindeer candy cane inspired Christmas tree decorations. Within this DT topic the children designed an appealing product based on a simple design specification. They produced a detailed list of equipment and fabrics which they needed for the task and then selected the tools and equipment they would need. Finally, the children compared the final product to the original design specification and considered the views of others to improve my work.
Christmas in school has been an eventful and fun experience for the children. They have worked hard to learn the songs and Makaton signs for our Christmas concert. It was lovely to see so many families in school enjoying the performance.
Autumn 1
All of the children were very excited to get back into school and begin Year 5, they have settled into the new routines very well.
In English, our first Talk for Writing unit was a persuasion text for a Wizard School, using the tools for persuasion the children wrote their own adverts for a Leisure Centre. They had some great ideas for the facilities it should have and we’re sure you’d all be persuaded to go. Our second unit had a focus of suspense. We looked at the text An Adventure at Sandy Cove and the children worked hard to create their own suspense toolkit, from the work we had completed, to write their own stories.
In Science, our unit was Earth and Space. The children learnt how to describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. They then moved on to understand the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth and describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies. The children then used drama to act out how the Earth and Moon rotate around the sun. Finally, the children used the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky. We looked at the Scientist like me, Dr Sheila Kanani who is a planetary physicist.
We continued our space topic with a focus on the book and film ‘Hidden Figures’. By watching the film, the children learnt about the true-life story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the United States space program. The children learnt about the history of NACA and NASA and the United States race against Russia to put a man in space. We researched the talent of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson who quickly rose the ranks of NASA on the task of calculating the momentous launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, and guaranteeing his safe return.
Linking with Black History, we learnt about the segregation and treatment the black people endured and how Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson crossed all gender, race, and professional lines while their brilliance and desire to dream big.
In maths, we have completed our place value units, which covered knowing the value of each digit in numbers up to 1,000,000 and representing them in different ways, understanding rounding and partitioning numbers, appreciating that the combined parts must still be equivalent to the whole. Also, the children learnt how to apply their knowledge of place value and the number line to compare and order 4- and 5-digit numbers.
In history, we completed our Tudors unit. The children worked very hard to learn our ‘5 Fingertip Facts’ and enjoyed our retrieval parts of the lessons where they could show what they had remembered. The children created a timeline of the 6 Tudor monarchs and learnt about The war of the Roses in 1485 and why the Tudor rose was created. They loved making Top Trump cards to remember facts about Henry VIII 6 wives. The children understand why Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic church and created the Church of England. Finally, we looked at the roles of the men and women during Tudor times and the gruesome ways of punishment.
In art, we have focused on the abstract work of artist Peter Thorpe and linked this with our science unit. The children used his technique of using left over paint to create a dramatic background. They then used watercolour pencils to design abstract space objects for the foreground of their artwork.
In PHSE, the children completed the unit – The caring school and bullying – pressure and risks. The focus was looking at healthy friendships and the importance of respecting others. The children also looked at the different types of bullying and the impact of it, responsibilities of bystanders and how to get help.
We are looking forward to Autumn 2 and all of the excitement of the Christmas activities planned.