Year 3 Updates

Spring 1

This term in year 3, in our English lessons, we continued to develop our story writing. The fiction model text that we learnt Pie Corbett style was a story from another culture, ‘How the Tortoise Got His Shell’. We explored the story structure where one character meets another and wishes for something they don’t have. We then explored similar texts and their features. The children enjoyed watching and reading ‘Tinga Tinga Tales’ which gave them further inspiration to write their own. The children learnt how to develop their writing of opening and endings.  The children have developed consistency in writing by using a range of sentence types, which included questions and exclamations to hook the reader’s interest.

We also explored recount texts. Children learnt a model text, which recounted key events and modelled the structure. Following this, the children wrote their own diary based on the model text before writing their own independent piece. The children have shown they are able to link paragraphs effectively using a range of connectives.

Our class text for the term was ‘Mr Stink’ by David Walliams. This text gave us the opportunity to discuss key themes around homelessness and the kindness of others.

In mathematics, our focus for this half term has been further work on multiplication and division. This unit has developed the children’s multiplicative and divisive reasoning by linking their prior knowledge to 2-digit calculations which involve the expanded method and partitioning to divide. They have developed their understanding of multiplication facts to link this knowledge to related multiplication and division calculations.

This half term, our history focus was the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We explored how life changed for early humans during this time and made links back to our previous topic, The Stone Age. Children learnt that the Bronze Age is the period immediately after the Stone Age and is the time when metals like bronze started to be commonly used. In art, the children have designed and made their own Bronze age pottery.

In PE, the children have developed fundamental skills. During these sessions, the children have had to communicate to each other and learn how to throw and catch. The children have played games which have taught them how to dodge and intercept.  We have also worked with Rotherham United staff to develop our orienteering skills.

In RE, children have explored how the Hindu religion is practiced.  The children have had opportunities to explore how religious artefacts and texts can be a source for learning and for beliefs. They also got a chance to explore ways in which the five senses play a part in our everyday lives, and in particular, how they make Hindu worship an important time for many Hindus, where worship is linked to the whole of life, not simply to some brief ritual actions. As part of multicultural week, the children explored the story of Diwali.

In computing the children have enjoyed learning about online safety and sharing their increasing knowledge of how to keep themselves safe. They learnt the importance of a password and how this can limit the people who can see their information. Additionally, the children explored how spreadsheets work and learnt how to turn the data into graphs.

The children have worked really hard this half term and this is reflected in their growing confidence and the progress they are making across all areas of the curriculum.

Autumn 2

In our English lessons this half term, we have continued to use the talk for writing scheme. We began by exploring a range of wishing tales that included a character flaw. The children learnt to retell the story of King Midas and identified his flaws. The children explored how the character changed at different points in the story. During the unit, the children learnt how to use a variety of sentence openers, express how a character is feeling through their actions and to use a five-part story structure. In our non-fiction writing, the children learnt a discussion text. They learnt a text, which discussed the pros and cons of wearing school uniform. They then wrote their own discussion based on whether playtimes should be banned. This proved to be a stimulating discussion as the children became immersed, following a very convincing hook for writing where they thought that this might actually happen.

In maths this half term, the children completed further work on addition and subtraction. Deepening their understanding of the key skills of formal addition and subtraction through place value, checking strategies and mental methods. Children used their growing understanding to explore calculations, which do or do not require exchange, developing fluency, accuracy and confidence in their ability to perform these calculations. They then applied checking strategies to decide for themselves whether their answer was reasonable or likely to be an error. Following on from this, the children worked on multiplication and division. This learning built on recognising equal groups. Three lessons were spent exploring in depth each of the times-tables that children need to know in Year 3, encouraging rapid recall. Children were reminded of the difference between equal sharing and equal grouping and then moved on to look at when division problems may have a remainder.

In science, children learnt that a force is a push or a pull. They then had the opportunity to explore magnets. They handled different magnets and carried out activities with them. They found out that a magnet attracts magnetic material and investigated materials to decide if they were magnetic or not. They found out that the strongest parts of a magnet are the poles. Children also learnt that magnets have two poles – a north pole and a south pole and if two like poles, e.g. two north poles, are brought together, they will push away from each other – repel. If two unlike poles, e.g. a north and south, are brought together they will pull together – attract.

During our geography unit, children learnt that near to the equator, there are two imaginary lines called the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Additionally, the children found out that between these lines the places have a tropical climate. They then compared the tropics to the climate in the UK. Children also enjoyed using maps and globes to locate countries within this area. They also found out about another line called the Prime Meridian and the importance of this and that latitude and longitude are a system of lines used to describe the location of any place on Earth.

In P.E, the children enjoyed developing their balance and agility when jumping and landing. During these sessions, the children developed social skills. They had the opportunity to share roles and responsibilities fairly, cooperate with others and share positive feedback. In dance, the children practised their disco moves before using these to learn a dance to music.

To end the term, the children performed Christmas songs for parents and carers in a lower key stage two performance. We enjoyed the pantomime and wore Christmas jumpers on Christmas dinner day. The children all enjoyed the end of term Christmas fair and had a lovely time at the Christmas party! After a wonderful start to the school year, we are looking forward to what the next term brings.

Autumn 1

In our English lessons this half term, we have used the talk for writing scheme. We began by exploring a range of portal stories and then went to on learn the story ‘Elf Road’. We explored the features and then focused on a settings toolkit to develop our writing skills. The children learnt how to use commas in a list and how to use appropriate adjectives to bring a setting to life. The children helped to create a list of ideas for their own story and then had the opportunity to write an independent piece, creating their own settings and characters. We ended the term learning how to write a persuasive text. The children enjoyed promoting Redscope to other children, before having a go at writing a persuasive leaflet. They learnt how to use rhetorical questions as a hook for the reader and generated word banks of boastful and emotive vocabulary. During one drama session, the children had to pretend they were selling random classroom objects to an audience. They had to make them sound really exciting so that they stood out. The children used the persuasive toolkit to do this.

In maths, the children continued to build on their knowledge of place value from year 2.  They extended their understanding of the models and images that they have used previously. Children began with learning how to count in 100s. They learnt that a 3-digit number is made up of some 100s, 10s and 1s and were able to represent this in many ways. They extended the number line to 1,000 and began to explore where different numbers lie. Additionally, they compared and ordered 3-digit numbers as well as counted in 50s. The children are trying hard to learn their multiplication facts and have become more familiar with TT Rockstars. The children are collecting their times table minutes each week as part of their homework. The class enjoyed celebrating TT Rockstar day and participated in interschool battles.

In our Science lessons, the children learnt all about rocks and soils. Children learnt that rock is a naturally occurring material. They explored different types of rock and their properties. The children enjoyed working with Phil to find out about soils and what these are made up of. As part of our rewilding project, the children had to dig holes in the soil to plant their daffodil bulbs. We cant wait to see them grow in the spring.

In our art unit this term, we started with a key question, ‘Who were the first artists?’ We began by exploring cave paintings from around the world and then identified similarities and differences.  Next, the children looked at how Stone Age people made paint and how this was applied using a variety of tools. Finally, the children used sketching pencils to create different shapes and lines and then created their own drawing of Stonehenge.

In History, the children have enjoyed learning about the Stone Age. They have learnt that there are three different time periods and they have explored how life during these times changed. They became hunter gatherers and collected food that early humans ate. In addition to this, they have learnt a range of new vocabulary and can recall a number of fingertip facts about this period in history. As part of this learning sequence, had a visit from a Stone Age expert. We turned the classroom into a Stone Age cave and took part in a number of activities to extend their understanding of this period in history.

The children have been working hard with Mrs Eastwood and Mrs Smith in computing and PE. They have learnt how to be resilient in these sessions and have developed their problem-solving skills. In PE, the children have been exploring different ways of travelling and have used the small and big apparatus. In computing, the children have been developing their coding skills.

The children have made a positive start in Year 3 and we look forward to seeing the progress they will make next term.

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