Spring 1
The children have settled back into school after the Christmas holidays.
In English, the children have started a grammar unit, The Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar. The unit has focused on nouns and verbs and using them to build single-clause sentences. The children have used their new knowledge to write their own poetry.
As readers, the children have continued to develop their individual reading skills in guided reading sessions, focusing on word-decoding strategies and comprehension. The children have continued to practise their reading level keywords so that they can build up the number of words that they can read automatically on sight.
In Maths, we have continued to consolidate place value by looking at numbers to 20. The children have used concrete apparatus and pictorial representations to add, subtract and compare numbers within 20. The children have used their knowledge of number bonds to 10 to solve problems involving numbers to 20.
In History, children have learned about the lives and times of two very significant individuals: Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. They were able to recall lots of facts about each Queen and how they changed the role of the monarchy.
In Computing, the children have really enjoyed using Purple Mash to learn about pictograms and how they can be used to represent data.
Finally, in Design and Technology the children have researched what a structure is and how to make it strong and stable. They have taken inspiration from structures in the real world to design their own throne.

Autumn 2
This half term, in Maths, children have consolidated their understanding of numbers to 10. We have completed number sentences and part-whole models, which the children really enjoyed. We have also continued to add and subtract numbers within 10 and compare them using greater than and less than. To finish off the half term, children have learnt about 2D and 3D shapes; naming, sorting and identifying shapes in the classroom environment.
In English, children have been writing about the characters in the film ‘Toy Story’. Children spent lots of time learning the words and actions as well as looking at the structure of a sentence, identifying capital letters, full stop, exclamation marks and adjectives. Then, they innovated the story to create their own main characters who transformed into their favourite toys.
In Geography, we built on last terms science work on seasons by looking at weather. We investigated the effects that the seasons/ weather has on all things living, including nature, people and animals. We have even had some of the extreme weather we have been learning!
The children have really engaged in their Science unit, materials! They gained lots of knowledge about different types of materials and built on this further by classifying and sorting every-day materials. We concluded our work with an experiment to see which material would be waterproof.
As Christmas grew closer, we were busy practicing for our Key Stage nativity. The children amazed us with their confidence, performing in front of a big audience. We definitely have some stars in the making. Reverend Sam held an advent assembly and the children enjoyed opening our class calendar to count down to Christmas. We also visited the Christingle service at the local church. A magical term was rounded off with a Christmas Party and a visit from the big man himself on the last day of term.
Autumn 1
The children have settled well into year 1 and are getting used to our rules and routines. Already, we have seen an improvement in the children’s concentration and they have adapted to the new routines and demands of formal learning.
In English, we have looked at the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. As it was such a familiar story, the children really enjoyed retelling their own version linked to this. Throughout the half term, we have been revisiting the basic skills of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
During this half term, we have been learning about the seasons. Children are now able to name the four seasons and most children understand the order they come in. We have discussed what happens during each season and how the temperature changes and that, we have to dress appropriately for this. The children also learnt about daylight hours and how we get more daylight hours in Summer than all the other seasons.
Our history focus this half term was activists. We have learnt about three key activists; Emily Davison, Rosa Parks and Guy Fawkes. We discussed how each individual had a significant impact on different movements and the different ways in which they campaigned, for example, Rosa Parks’ bus boycott was a peaceful protest whereas Emily Davison used more violent tactics. The children worked really hard to understand the different contexts in which these individuals were faced with and overall, they really understood the idea of equality and treating people fairly.
We have started our Power Maths scheme of learning. This half term, our learning has revolved around numbers from 0-10 and our emphasis has been on the mastery. The children have learnt to read and write numbers from 0-10. We have looked at pictorial representations; found one more and one less; using a number line and used the language of equal to, more than and less than. We had an amazing Rockstar dress up day to celebrate our launch of NumBots in Year 1.