Healthy Lunchbox Ideas.
- Cut vegetables and dips.
- Hummous
- Fruit kebabs
- Sultanas
- Fruit in yoghurt
- Let children make up their own sandwiches
- Make wraps
- Cheese cubes and crackers
- Cucumber sticks
- Rice cakes
- Falafels
- Savoury muffins
- Home-made granola yoghurt topped with muesli
- Dried mango and pineapple
- Don’t forget to fill your lunchbox with lots of yummy healthy nibbles.
All children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to a Free School Meal. Key Stage 2 children who stay for a cooked lunch, should always be paid on the Monday of the week. As we are a cashless school this should be paid through the Arbor app and should always be paid in advance for any lunches your child/children require.
Your family may be entitled to Free School Meals and the forms can be completed at school.
Facilities are provided for children who bring a packed lunch.
We are a Healthy School and information on how parents can help their children eat fresh fruit and make healthy choices is available.