Children need to attend school regularly and be on time for the start of the day to help them make the most of their learning experiences. Lateness is monitored by the attendance officer and Education Welfare Service. From time to time ‘late gates’ will be implemented. If your child arrives after the close of the register, they must report to the main office to collect a late slip. Teachers will not accept children into class without a slip after the close of the register. This is for the safety of our children.
Parents are requested to tell us immediately if their child will be absent otherwise the absence will be classed as unauthorised. Parents need to make sure we have a current telephone number for contacting them should their child become ill during the school day.
The attendance target is 96.5%
If your child is off school due to illness, you should report this to us by 9.30am.
You can do this by calling the office on 01709 740350 and choosing option 1.
Or you can text on 07786 208896.
Please leave your child’s name, class and reason for absence.