Spring 1
Reception Class have had a fantastic half term! We have been so impressed with all of their hard work, especially during phonics sessions. Everyone, has been trying hard and making fantastic progress.
We have been captivated by the delightful story of “Naughty Bus” by Jan Oke and Jerry Oke. Through the Talk for Writing storytelling approach, we have immersed ourselves in the mischievous adventures of the Naughty Bus and have learned to retell the story with enthusiasm. We’ve enjoyed collecting ideas about what silly antics Naughty Bus might get up to next, and have used these create our own unique Naughty Bus stories. We want to say a big thank you to you all for getting involved at home, your support has helped bring the story to life.
During our maths sessions, we have been delving into the fascinating world of numbers. We have been introduced to the numbers 6, 7, and 8, exploring their composition and relationships through hands-on activities and interactive games. Through engaging exercises, we have developed a deeper understanding of number concepts and the ways numbers can be combined and decomposed.
In addition to this, we’ve had the pleasure of exploring the fantastic works of artist James Rizzi. We loved the vibrant colours he uses! Inspired by his style, we’ve used watercolour pencils to create our own fun vehicles, adding intricate details with black pens. The result is a wonderful collaborative piece of artwork.
We had a great trip to Wentworth Woodhouse. A big thank you to all the adults who came along with us. We loved our ride on a vintage bus and enjoyed the delicious hot chocolate and time exploring the gardens. We even saw the deer. Who knew you could fit so much excitement and adventure into a morning.
We can’t wait for next half term, I’m sure it will be full of excitement!
Autumn 2.
Reception Class have continued to impress us in Autumn 2! We have been delighted with how they follow school routines. Everyone is trying so hard with their learning and making fantastic progress!
We started the term with a wonderful week celebrating Diwali. We learnt all about how and why Diwali is celebrated. We created some Diwali pictures, made our own Diya lamps and did some fun dancing.
In addition to this, had an exciting visit from the Gingerbread man. We learnt the Gingerbread Man story through the Talk for Writing approach. We enjoyed bringing the story to life through the use of actions and props. We received a message from the Gingerbread man asking for our help and we came up with some fantastic alternative ways for him to cross the river.
In the next part of the half term, we looked at toys from the past. We investigated some toys from the past and thought about what materials they were made from and how the toys worked. We read stories linked to toys and painted pictures of toys from the past.
We have ended our half term with our lovely Christmas performance. Everyone tried so hard to learn a variety of different songs including actions. We are so very proud of how well they performed the songs to their grown-ups. A wonderful experience for all!
In Maths, we have looked closely at shapes and angles. We enjoyed talking about the properties of shapes and finding angles within shapes and around the classroom. We looked closely at numbers 1-5 and practised our fantastic subitising skills. Everyone has really impressed to impress us, and we can’t wait for next term!