Redscope Advisory Group

All Academy Trusts have two layers of governance – Members and Directors. Some (like NCLT) choose to have a third, i.e., Advisory Groups. Details of Members and Directors can be found on the Trust’s website – Our Advisory Group can be found below.

All governance and financial information can be found on the Trust policies page –

Current Advisory Group

Michael Firth

Chair of the Advisory Group (Board appointed)

Date Appointed: 02/01/2023

Alison Bradbury

(Ex officio) Headteacher

Date Appointed: 01/01/2023

Kara Tomlinson

Advisory Group member (Parent appointed)

Date Appointed: 03/01/2023

Ellie Lightowler

Advisory Group member (Board appointed)

Date Appointed: 30/04/2024

Samantha Bruce

Advisory Group member (Parent appointed)

Date Appointed: 01/05/2024

Alan Tasker

Advisory Group member (Board appointed)

Date Appointed: 07/05/2024

All of the Advisory Group members (except the Headteacher) serve a 4 year term of office.

Advisory Group members’ attendance records and register of interests can be found on the Trust’s website –

Advisory Group members who have stepped down

Rebecca Stein: Date Stepped Down: 19/06/2023

Richard Crow: Date Stepped Down: 19/11/2023

Other Information

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